Hiatus…hopefully not permanently.

22 05 2009

I have taken a break from the iPhone and thus have stopped my searching and reviewing

Will be back sometime...

Will be back sometime...

of jailbroken themes.  Yes, I do most certainly miss the phone and playing around with all the interesting themes.

I will keep this blog here and will keep it in mind if I do decide to go back to the iPhone.

Thank you very much for visiting and I hope that you were able to find something interesting.

Live Long and Prosper


10 01 2009

This is in one of my few favorite themes-Portal is the defininition of theme!

Portal changes the icons, “slide to unlock” slider and it adds a pulsating “Portal” logo into  your background.

Wait! That’s not it. This theme also adds sounds for the following: plug in charger, unlock/lock phone, screenshot capture, and send/receive SMS.


10 01 2009

Here is one for all the trigger happy iPhone users…or just anyone else who likes guns.

It changes the blackground to a solid black and changes numerous icons.  My guess is if you have the icons in their default position you can achieve a complete gun but mine are all mixed around and I really don’t care to try and arrange them in the correct order 😉

Like what you’ve found? What else would you like to see?

30 12 2008

I have been going at this “theme reviewing” for just over two weeks now, and I would like to know what you guys and gals think of it all. I am doing this for fun but also to help those who love WinterBoard themes as much as I do and encountered the same problem I did.

Is there a certain theme you have heard of and would like reviewed? Is there a feature you think would benefit the overall browsing experience? Is there an issue you have when navigating around the site?

I would really appreciate any feedback you could give me by emailing me or simply leaving a comment here on this post.  ♥

Thank you,



30 12 2008

I thought this was a very cool idea to use the time of the day to change the background.

I am still not sure what the exact time interval is but I know it is at least several hours.  The sun and moon in the background look very nice and realistic.